Thursday, February 18, 2010

Disable Thermostat In Heater Is There A Way To Disable The Heater In My Hot Tub (spa) So That The Water Remains Closer To Room Temperature?

Is there a way to disable the heater in my hot tub (spa) so that the water remains closer to room temperature? - disable thermostat in heater

My system has a thermostat, but also in the lowest (cool) setting that is too hot for me. I wish I could make you turn the heating mechanism, and in much smaller than the current minimum.

In addition, of course, in the summer too hot to use them if there was a way to help is not warm enough to win. (I do not mean to be cold water or cold, but it would be nice if it was much, much colder.)

I called the manufacturer and not before. We searched the internet and could not find anything like that. If you have any suggestions, I would be grateful. Thank you.


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