Tuesday, February 16, 2010

1.6 Cm Renal Cyst What Is The Stress And Strain Of The Metal Wire?

What is the stress and strain of the metal wire? - 1.6 cm renal cyst

A wire has a diameter of 1.5 cm and a length of 3 cm. A 250 kg mass was suspended at the end of the wire and cable extends 1.6 cm.

A) What is stress?

B) What is stress?

C) What is the modulus of this metal?


Denis S said...

Stress) = Force / Area
Stress = mg / (pi * D ^ 2 / 4) = (250) (9.8) / (pi * 0 Pa ...
B) deformation Delta = length / length = 1.6 / 3 = 0.53
Module C) by Young = stress / strain --
In general, for such a great effort, you are not in the elastic range (in the sense that Young's modulus). But if they are still in the elastic range.
E = stress / strain = 1.386x10 ^ (7) / 0.53 = 2.59 Pa ...

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