Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Vitamin D For Women Why Would God Ant Women To Cover Up Their Skin If In Doing So Prevents The Producing Vitamin D?

Why would god ant women to cover up their skin if in doing so prevents the producing vitamin D? - vitamin d for women

The human body needs in order to be exposed to sunlight for vitamin D, why "God" are the women, until the skin so they are not covered. Thus, they are at increased risk of cancer. Can not you think? Or did not matter how often a little ant against women, it seems like?


雅威的烤面包机 said...

Leave the skin on the opening large enough to produce vitamin D. Duh.

[/ Sarcasm]

amiram a said...

In areas where women have to be able to cover the excessive burden on the cause sunburn and skin cancer.
Well, what makes you believe that God is something wrong with the rule that women must cover themselves has to do with.
Women, of course, to expose, to show her body, and men who believe they have these women that they are trying to prevent from their natural tendency.

icarus62 said...

In an ideal world nobody would be able to use as much or as little as you feel comfortable at any time and anywhere.

K R said...

coz who wants to cover up the eyes of the people a Pryin a sin, so that they create too modest humbles the heart. But in their own homes without lead r lyk wat a day in her garden, where you can see, can therefore achieve low Vit D. IN the south from the top coverin used to die. COMAND is a God and obey regardles of PPL Wat Wil say or how they feel or questions can be asked about this poinless THT,

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