Monday, January 4, 2010

Pinky Videos Online Can Leopard Geckos Eat Pinky Mice?

Can leopard geckos eat pinky mice? - pinky videos online

I eat pinkies some videos on YouTube Leos. I know it's only for breeding females, or if they are thin, but Leo is given once every two months or be managed? that the treatment of fat? My gecko is about 5 ½ inches long can I feed her newborn pinkies? If not, then how old leopard geckos have to eat a little finger?


ms_lotr_... said...

Certainly not a good idea. Pinkies are extremely difficult to digest, as to the bone, and most likely to be retention. Leos any age should not be fed pinkies.

Silkworms are a great alternative to a high nutritional value and fattened for each reproductive female in no time!

Ryan F. said...

An adult Leopard Gecko can eat, but should not be fed this book.

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